A Bet on Debt

City Studies

A Bet on Debt

Air it Out

City Studies

Air it Out

Don't Bank On It

Making Policy Public

Don't Bank On It

We Are Public Housing

Making Policy Public

We Are Public Housing

Your Truth, Your Rights

Public Access Design

Your Truth, Your Rights

Get to know our 2022 Making Policy Public collaborators!

We’re thrilled to announce our latest round of Making Policy Public collaborations! Over the course of a year, we’ll be working with this stellar group of advocacy organizations and designers to create visual tools that explain complex social justice issues. This year’s collaborations are:

Helping undocumented and uninsured people access health insurance in New York.

A visual guide that helps undocumented and uninsured New Yorkers understand their options for health insurance, with a focus on the needs of TGNCBI+, people living with HIV, and those experiencing gender-based or partner violence. This project will create a clear and accessible roadmap for these communities to advocate for themselves and claim their rights to healthcare.

New York Lawyers for the Public Interest

New York Lawyers for the Public Interest (NYLPI) pursues equality and justice for all New Yorkers. NYLPI’s Health Justice Program works to bring a racial justice and immigrant rights focus to health care advocacy in New York. They have a long commitment to immigrant justice and the challenges faced by immigrant communities, with work ranging from individual representation to statewide advocacy campaigns focused on access to healthcare. nylpi.org

Graydon Manzke

After graduating from Pratt Institute, Graydon began to focus on projects that benefit both the local and state-wide populations of New York. He is currently in the process of forming a studio practice, the New York Design Initiative (NYDI), with the goal of collaborating with groups and institutions to improve the lives of fellow community members through good design. While he loves living in Brooklyn, Graydon takes any chance he gets to catch a glimpse of the natural world. He has a particular obsession with the Catskills, praising both their beauty and functional purpose in providing the best water in the world for New York’s unmatched pizza and bagel industries. graydonmanzke.com


Yasmin Safdié is CUP’s Director of Programs.

Siyona Ravi is CUP’s Program & Communications Coordinator.

Helping communities participate in the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding and hold the government accountable.

A visual guide that explains how communities can participate in the allocation of funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). This project will help historically neglected communities in Buffalo and grassroots organizations better navigate the multiyear ARPA process.

PUSH Buffalo

PUSH Buffalo mobilizes residents to create strong neighborhoods with quality, affordable housing; to expand local hiring opportunities; and to advance economic and environmental justice in Buffalo. pushbuffalo.org


Micrópolis is a Brazilian design collective working on the intersection of design, spatial practice and education. Through publications, workshops and exhibitions, Micrópolis aims to expand the public debate on issues that are urgent to the everyday life of Brazilian cities, such as urban mobility, public space, public security, urban history, climate change, among others. Since its foundation in 2010, the collective has worked in collaboration with many cultural and educational institutions in Brazil, such as the São Paulo Museum Of Modern Art, the São Paulo Architecture Biennial, Sesc São Paulo and Inhotim Institute. For this project, Micrópolis will be teaming up with New York based Brazilian designer Laura Scofield. micropolis.com.br


Clair Beltran and Agustín Cepeda are CUP Program Managers.

Understanding marijuana legalization laws for BIPOC cooperative worker-owners.

A visual guide that explains how New York’s marijuana legalization policy–the Marijuana Regulation & Taxation Act– works. The guide will support BIPOC worker owners interested in starting marijuana cooperatives so they can participate and benefit from the opportunities this new market provides.

New York Network of Worker Cooperatives

The NYC Network of Worker Cooperatives is dedicated to sharing and cultivating the educational, financial, and technical resources of its members and supporting the growth of worker cooperatives for social and economic justice. We offer assistance to existing and new worker cooperatives in all communities within the New York City metropolitan area, with a focus on the development of cooperatives within marginalized communities. nycworker.coop


Lucy Baik is an experience designer based in California currently working at Infosys. lucybaik.com

Jay Li is a graphic designer based in Utah currently working for the Utah Jazz. jay-li.org

Lucy and Jay are DUBU—which in Lucy’s second language stands for tofu—a blank state for luxurious taste, formed with forgiving & gentle qualities. As recent graduates from the same graphic design program at Boston University, they’ve both prepared their practices through food & culture, with shared tools that observe respectfully and learn generously from others.


Pilar Finuccio and Clair Beltran are CUP Program Managers.

Helping communities advocate for equitable and just land use decisions.

A visual guide that explains the Racial Impact Study Bill, a new law that requires the City of New York to meaningfully consider the impacts and document major land use decisions. The goal of this project is to support communities of color in shaping development within their communities, while advancing justice and preventing displacement.

Racial Impact Study Coalition

The Racial Impact Study Coalition is made up of neighborhood, community-based, and planning groups. Collectively, they represent all five boroughs, most of the communities that have been impacted by City-initiated rezonings in recent years, and a wide spectrum of New York residents. They share a commitment to protecting communities from racialized displacement and expanding permanently affordable housing to all neighborhoods.

In 2021, they won the passage of Int 1572 B that will ensure that the City of New York meaningfully considers racial impacts in making major land use decisions and provides communities with the information they need to advocate for their needs. racialimpactnyc.wordpress.com

Arthur Kim and Jonathan Muroya

Arthur Kim is currently a product designer based in Texas. He graduated from RISD in 2019 with a BFA in Graphic Design focusing his work around topics of mental health, immigration rights, and unlearning empathetic design. arthur-kim.com

Jonathan is an illustrator born and bred in the midwest and currently based in San Francisco, California. He graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2020 and has since been freelancing in the editorial and children’s publishing fields. Through his work, he is continually learning new and diverse ways illustration can deepen our understanding of each other and ourselves. jonathanmuroya.com


Genea Foster and Agustín Cepeda are CUP Program Managers.


Public Access Design


En El Campo De Los Impuestos

Making Policy Public

En El Campo De Los Impuestos

Your Truth, Your Rights

Public Access Design

Your Truth, Your Rights

¡El poder de prepararse!

Public Access Design

¡El poder de prepararse!

Blunt Conversations

Urban Investigations

Blunt Conversations

Engage to Change

Technical Assistance

Engage to Change


City Studies


What Does It Mean To Live In My Own Place?

Making Policy Public

What Does It Mean To Live In My Own Place?