A Fair Chance

Making Policy Public

A Fair Chance

What's Going On In The Neighborhood?

Envisioning Development

What's Going On In The Neighborhood?

Pass It On!

Making Policy Public

Pass It On!

What You Need To Know About ACS

Making Policy Public

What You Need To Know About ACS

What Options Doc?

Urban Investigations

What Options Doc?

Common Cents

City Studies

Common Cents


CUP’s work is largely supported by the generous donations of individuals and foundations that care about the city and how it works. Every donation, from $5 to $50,000 helps us to keep producing the high-quality projects you have come to expect from CUP.

If you would like to support our work, donate now through the secure donation form below:

Does your gift qualify for a match?

Many organizations match their employees’ charitable contributions, doubling (and sometimes tripling) the impact of your gift.

Ask your employer if they offer a matching program. It only takes a few minutes!

If you have questions, contact us at donate@welcometoCUP.org.

Companies who have provided matches in the past include Boeing, Deutschebank, Expedia, the Ford Foundation, Google, and Penguin Random House, among others.

Donate by check

You can also mail your tax-exempt contributions to:
232 Third Street #D201 
Brooklyn, NY 11215

Checks should be made out to: the Center for Urban Pedagogy.

CUP is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. All cash and in-kind contributions to CUP are tax-deductible and fully support our educational programming.

Current Supporters

CUP’s programs are made possible in part with public funds from:

National Endowment for the Arts
New York State Council on the Arts, with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature
New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council
Council Member Antonio Reynoso
Council Member Ben Kallos
Council Member Brad Lander
Council Member Diana Ayala
Council Member Ritchie Torres
Council Member Vanessa Gibson

CUP is also supported by the generosity of:

Capital One
Kresge Foundation
Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund
Lily Auchincloss Foundation 
Mertz Gilmore Foundation
M&T Bank
Neighborhoods First Fund for Community Based Planning
New York Foundation
Robert & Arlene Kogod Family Foundation
Shelly & Donald Rubin Foundation
Sigrid Rausing Trust
Surdna Foundation
Tecovas Foundation

Thank you!

CUP is extremely grateful to the following donors who supported our work in 2019.

Social Justice Allies

Cycle Architecture + Planning, Deborah Berke Partners, dlandstudio, H3 Hardy Collaboration Architecture, Samuel Marks, Marvel Architects, Jeremy Robinson-Leon, David Smiley & Lauren Kogod, and Powerhouse Arts


Daniel Arnow, Chicago Title Insurance Company, Christine Coletta & Matt Bockelman,  Susannah Drake, Matthew Hart, Jason Kim & Leticia Wouk Almino, Leslie Kogod & Laurie Goldberger, Matthew Hart, Stuart Kogod & Denise Garone, Francis Lam, Warren Leon & Cynthia Robinson, Sarah Madigan, the Mehretu-Rankin Family, NYC Ferry, Grace Robinson-Leo, Slater & Beckerman PC, Thanh Tran, Carol & Mark Willis, and Zac & Tracy Wydra


Alamo Drafthouse, Mark Allen, Alan Appelbaum, Architecture Research Office, Mercedes Armillas, Belmont Freeman Architects,Gregory Bianco, Sarah Brennan, Sharon Davis, Neil Donnelly & Iben Falconer, Meghan Downes, dresscode, Rachel Fine & Martin Dunn, Hector urban design, planning & civic arts, Julie Hertzog & Gabrielle Esperdy, Home Studios, Birte Falconer, Sean Flynn, Tim & Elizabeth Howell, Karp Strategies, Aaron Koffman & Heather Gershen, Leroy Street Studios, Faizah Malik & Zaahir Syed, Marble Fairbanks Architects, Tal Schori, Smith & Architects, TLM Associates, TransitCenter, Tsao & McKown Architects, Verona Carpenter Architects, Shawn Watts & Rosemary Suh, and Dan Wiley, Anonymous (2)


Gideon Friedman, Matthew Galek, Rosalie Genevro, Stina Hanson, Margarett Jolly, Inbar Kishoni, John Krauss, Josh Lerner, Carrie McLaren, Faye Premer, Leslie & Timothy Renjilian, Nelson & Sherrie Rich, Joshua & Elizabeth Ring, Claire Silberman, Andrew Sloat, Patrick Sullivan, Kyle Taylor, Chat Travieso, Nans Voron, Benjamin Warnke, Betsy & Ron Weis, and John Willoughby

Friends & Fans

Carlos E. Acevedo, Alexis Agathocleous, Shalini Agrawal, Jordan Alexander, Beth & Mike Anderson, Jason Anderson, Paul Anderson, Melissa Jane Andrada, Jessica Anigma, Lynn Appelbaum, Caron Atlas, Raymond Audain, Jason Babbie, Christian Bachrach, Lea Bacon, Brett Bainbridge, Bindu Balan, Matt Balik, Ruth Ballenzweig, Charlie Bardey, David Barker, Allison Barlow, Priyanka Batra & Chris Leary, Vanessa Bayer, Cara Bayles, Lauren Belfer, Hana Bendy, Samuel Biederman, Derrick Biney-Amissah, Eileen Blank, Dorian A. Booth, James Boyd, Jay & Sue Boyd, Elizabeth Boyd, Katherine Bradley, Elaine Braithwaite, Peter Bray, Ian Brownell, Erica Brusselars, Nicholas Burka, Tei Carpenter, Nicole Carroll, Stephen Cassell, Daniel Cawley, Matthew Chachere, Chloe Chang, Cindy Chang, Yawen Chen, Alicia Cheng, Colette Chisholm, Ahra Cho, Yoonjai Choi, Lucy Christiana, Alayna Citrin, Charlotte Cohen, Rebecca Coates Finke, Natalie Connor, Ellen Copley, Caitlin Cowger, Marika Crider, Rebecca Crimmins, Diana Crum, Olivia Crumm, Catalina Cuervo, Donald D’Aries, Elizabeth Daly, Jennifer Damm, Emily Demarest, Ken Diamondstone, Tess Drahman, Kate Dunham, Sara Durkacs, Holly E. Dowell, Judy Eady, Keller Easterling, Emre M. Edev, Julie Egan, Nisrin Elamin, Crystal Ellis, Anne Emig, Ellen Epstein, Chris Eshelman, Pavel Ezrohi, Ariel Fausto, Amanda Finuccio, Madeline Firkser, Benjamin Flanner, Katherine Fleming, Glenn Forley, Tara Foster, Karen Fox, Lily Francis, Alice Friedman, Meryl Friedman, David Frisco, Samuel Frommer, M Salome Galib, Jennifer Gardner, Erin Garnass-Holmes, Gisela Garrett, Tony & Ceu Gaspar, Peter Gee, Laura Beth Giles, David Gladstone, Reinhard Goethert, Amelia Goodman, Allen Gorospe, James Graham, Sophie Green, Michael Grinthal, Vincent Guerrero, Alexis Guyton, Dave Hadden, Sarah Hagey, Michael Haggerty, Elizabeth Hamby, Brian Hamlin, James Harris, Damian Harris-Hernandez, Barbara Hart, Michaela Hartman, Chris Havens, Kennis Hawkins, Michael Heimbinder & Daisy Deomampo, Naomi Hersson Ringskog, Christian Holland, Everett Hollander, Samuel Holleran, Joseph Holtz, Aimee Hong & Bryant Briggs, Jenny Hong, Anne Hong, Maddie Hopfield, Michael Hopper, Nick Hornig, Mandy Hu & Tyler Survant, Alan Hui-Bon-Hoa, David Hunt, Ewurabena Hutchful, Kemi Ilesanmi, Valerie Jackson, Nicole Johnson, Jennifer Jones, Catherine Sloss Jones, Jennifer Kahn, Jerry Kajpust, Matthew Kane, Susan Kaplan, Alexa Kasdan, Adam Katz, Michelle Kaucic, Alexandra Keeling, Anisa Keith, Aisling Kelliher & Thanassis Rikakis, Tara Kelly, Anne Kember, Sean E. Kennedy, Keith Johns, Trevor Kenmure, Franny Kent, Nelson Kies, Isaiah King, Drew Kiriazides, Matt Klein, Sarah & Dylan Klevan, Joel Kolkmann, Juliet Koss, Raj Kottamasu, Karen Kubey, Charlotte Laffler, Ronald Languedoc, Vanessa Lash, Daphne Lasky, Matthew Lasner, Jessica Lax, Eric Lee, Katherine Lee, Nolan Levenson, Asher Levinthal, Sasha Levites, Susan Lob, Deborah Lolai, Sara Lopergolo, Ashley Louie, Rosa Luna, Daphne Lundi, Ellen Lupton, Hester Lyons, Erik Madsen, Jeff Maki, Jeff Malamy, Tamara Maletic, Grant Marani, Galina Mardilovich, Bryan Markovitz, Marpillero Pollak Architects, Dan Martensen, Lindsay Martinez, Duncan Maru, Savannah May, Erin McCue, Meghann McKale, Rustam Mehta, Susan Mello, Yael Meridan Schori, Kate Mikuliak, Manuel Miranda, Lize Mogel, Mariana Mogilevich, Kate Mollison, David Moore, Shahin Motia, Ethan Mulligan, Monica Munn, Zach Neumeyer, Emily Ng, Anthony Ng, Minna Ninova, Kevin Noble & Linda Neaman, Barbara Noble, Marc Norman and Jonathan Massey, Oscar Nuñez, Katharine Offinger, Luke Ohlson, Ayanna Oliver-Taylor, Noa Osheroff, Anna Ostow, Ashley Oved, Annabel Pang, Peter Park, Zoe Parker, Dennis Parker, Daniel & Lucy Payne, Kate Pedatella, Jennifer Pehr, Hillary Petrie, Erica Platt, Adam Pogoff, Susan Poliwka, Angelika Preschitz, Sean Quinn, Stephanie Rabins, Annya Ramirez, Alex Ramirez-Mallis, Gail Ramster, Nina Rappaport & Chris Hall, Red Hook Civic Association, David Reeves, Kate Reil, Jack Reilly, Aaron Reiss, Ashraf Rijal, Cameron Ringness, Julie Rochielle-Sievert, Evalynn Rosado, Martha Rosler, Margaret Ross-Martin, Anna Rubbo, Paula Rubira, Rumors, Maria Isabel Sanin, Jocelyn Sargent, Maxwell Scales, Joan Scholvin, Jacob Schori, Asher Schranz, Lori Schlabach, Paul Schuette, Jason Schupbach, Perry-Elena Segura, Richard Semegram, Sierra Shaffer, Jesse Sherril, Ron Shiffman, Jae & Dayoung Shin, Andrew Shurtz, Scott Simpson, Abigail Sindzinski, Mikhaela Singh, Lira Skenderi, Paris Smith, Ryan Smith, Jonathan Solomon, Claire Sperka, Jey Sterrenberg, Jeff Sterrenberg, Will Stewart, Joel Stillman, Kevin & Kathleen Stokes, Alexandre Su, Celina Su, Caitlin Sullivan, Anna Tabet, Meredith TenHoor, Bruce & Kathi Torrey, Lindsay Torrey, Julian Tost, LaTarro Traylor, Billie Tsien, Seth Ullman, Kenny Ulloa, John Valladares, Julia van den Hout, Vyoma Venkataraman, Sharmila Venkatasubban, Irina Verona, Roxana Verona, Joseph Vidich, Mariel Villere, Irina Vinnitskaya, Emily Viola, Nicole Vlado, Brad Vogel, Elisa W. Almino, Justine & Andrew Wantanabe, Cheyenna L. Weber, Erica Weiner, David Weis, Natalie West, Tony Wheeler, Lynette Widder, Sarah Williams, Barbara Wilson, Madeline Witenberg, Anna Witenberg, Nathaniel Wojtalik, Paul Woody, Steven Yavanian, Helen Yentus, Danny Yoder, Reed Young, and Kimberly Yao, Michael Yeung & Max Worrell, Charlyne Yi, Abdul-Razak Zachariah, Leanne Zick, Jess Zimbabwe, and Andros Zinz-Browne, Anonymous (3)

Your School, Your Choice!

Making Policy Public

Your School, Your Choice!

Meet the Gun Laws

City Studies

Meet the Gun Laws

Is Your Landlord Using Construction to Harass You?

Technical Assistance

Is Your Landlord Using Construction to Harass You?

Space Jam

Urban Investigations

Space Jam

Is Your Home Making You Sick?

Making Policy Public

Is Your Home Making You Sick?

In the Streets!

Urban Investigations

In the Streets!

Trouble With Your Water Bill?

Public Access Design

Trouble With Your Water Bill?

Carbon City

City Studies

Carbon City