Making the Grade

Urban Investigations

Making the Grade

Show Me the Money!

City Studies

Show Me the Money!

What the Cell?

Urban Investigations

What the Cell?

Sign Up!

Public Access Design

Sign Up!

Who Makes Bail?

Urban Investigations

Who Makes Bail?

Mean Streets

City Studies

Mean Streets
    • Thursday, May 15, 2014, 5pm

Educator feedback session on May 15th at 5:00pm

Educator feedback session on May 15th at 5:00pm

CUP is looking for a group of enthusiastic middle and high school educators to help steer the development of our newest curriculum tool. We are working on the next installment of our Do-It-Yourself Guide to Urban Investigations and we need your help! Each chapter of the guide will be a tablet application that educators can use to learn about CUP's methodology and to develop their own curricula using our tools.

Our first installment, on training students to conduct interviews, is in the works, and now we're looking for feedback on the content for installement two, which will help educators shape strong guiding questions for project-based learning activities using arts and civics.

We'll provide pizza and individual stipends of $25. You provide the feedback on how we can make this tool better for educators like you!

May 15th at 5:00 pm
CUP office at 232 Third Street #D201, Brooklyn, NY. Email to sign up.

The Deciders

City Studies

The Deciders

Dick & Rick: A Visual Primer for Social Impact Design

Technical Assistance

Dick & Rick: A Visual Primer for Social Impact Design

Good Cops? Bad Cops? More Cops? No Cops?

Urban Investigations

Good Cops? Bad Cops? More Cops? No Cops?

Displaced From This Place?

Urban Investigations

Displaced From This Place?

Figuring Out Health Insurance

Making Policy Public

Figuring Out Health Insurance

Are You Ready for a Ruckus?

Urban Investigations

Are You Ready for a Ruckus?

The Fresh Producers

Urban Investigations

The Fresh Producers

The Newtown Creek BOA

Technical Assistance

The Newtown Creek BOA