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Making Policy Public

Welcome to Health Care!

Show Me the Money!

City Studies

Show Me the Money!

Carbon City

City Studies

Carbon City

Test Ride

City Studies

Test Ride


Urban Investigations


Show Up

Public Access Design

Show Up
    • Thursday, April 25, 2013, 5pm
    • Open Plans
      148 Lafayette St, 12th floor
      New York, NY

Sorry! The 5 pm workshop is now full. But there is still space for the 7 pm workshop. Don’t forget to RSVP!

Help us develop our ULURP workshop

Help us develop our ULURP workshop

ULURP may sound like a monster (and some people think it is), but it stands for Uniform Land Use Review Procedure and it’s the process by which major land use changes get reviewed and approved in New York City. It’s long, complicated, and involves lots of players, making it difficult for communities to understand how they can have a say in the land use decisions that impact their neighborhoods.
CUP is currently developing a new toolkit called What Is ULURP? The workshop tool is a way for people to learn about the ULURP process, the different players involved, and the role they can play in decision-making.  CUP is eager to get feedback on the toolkit from people working on this issue. Please join the workshop and share your thoughts about the toolkit with CUP so they can build the best resource possible.

Two Workshops:

Thursday, April 25th
5:00pm – 6:00pm

This workshop is full.

7:00pm – 8:00pm
Limited to 40 participants

Free! RSVP is required. Two workshops are available, please include which you plan to attend in your RSVP. Please RSVP to mark@welcometocup.org.

Block Party

City Studies

Block Party

The Who in the Q!

Urban Investigations

The Who in the Q!

What Up With DAT?

Technical Assistance

Pay Up!

City Studies

Pay Up!

H2 Oh No!

Technical Assistance

H2 Oh No!

Reclaim Your Worker Rights

Making Policy Public

Reclaim Your Worker Rights

Good Cops? Bad Cops? More Cops? No Cops?

Urban Investigations

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We're Watching

Public Access Design

We're Watching