Tenants' Rights to Repairs

Making Policy Public

Tenants' Rights to Repairs

The Good, Bad, & Unknown

Urban Investigations

The Good, Bad, & Unknown

Voice Recognition

Urban Investigations

Voice Recognition

Get Support in Housing Court

Making Policy Public

Get Support in Housing Court

Ready, Set, Apply!

Technical Assistance

Ready, Set, Apply!

Now Boarding

Urban Investigations

Now Boarding
    • Tuesday, August 24, 2010, 7pm
    • Bluestockings
      172 Allen St
      New York, NY

Thinking Beyond the Bars: MPP Launch and Discussion

Thinking Beyond the Bars: MPP Launch and Discussion

CUP and our Making Policy Public partners hosted a triple-launch event and panel discussion at Bluestockings Bookstore. Each new MPP focuses on a particular vulnerable group – noncitizens, youth, and formerly incarcerated people – and the institutions, interactions, and situations they face on the fringes of the criminal justice system.

CUP staffer John Mangin moderated a discussion that went beyond a basic understanding of the system for a big-picture look at the costs and consequences for people caught up in it. Michelle Fei from the Immigrant Defense Project, Nancy Fishman from the Center for Court Innovation, and Kate Rubin of The Bronx Defenders and Reentry.net joined us.

Our three recent justice-related MPPs were on hand for viewing and purchase:

“Immigrants Beware!” outlines the dire immigration consequences of criminal involvement for noncitizens. It was produced with Families for Freedom, the Immigrant Defense Project, and designers Lana Cavar and Tamara Maletic.

“I Got Arrested! Now What?” breaks down the juvenile justice system, the alternative to criminal court for youth under 16, and was produced with the Center for Court Innovation, the Youth Justice Board, and graphic novelist Danica Novgorodoff.

“Barriers to Reentry” takes a look at the lasting legal consequences for formerly incarcerated people and the difficulties they face reentering the job force and society. It was produced with The Fortune Society and designer Sara McKay.

Making Policy Public is a CUP program that facilitates collaborations between policy advocates and graphic designers to produce foldout posters on complex legal and policy issues. http://makingpolicypublic.net/

For information on other Bluestockings events, visit:

John Mangin moderated a discussion between Michelle Fei, Nancy Fishman, and Kate Rubin
John Mangin moderated a discussion between Michelle Fei, Nancy Fishman, and Kate Rubin

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