Safe Space?

City Studies

Safe Space?


Urban Investigations


Child Support?!

Making Policy Public

Child Support?!

Puff Puff Passed

Urban Investigations

Puff Puff Passed

Not on Our Watch!

Making Policy Public

Not on Our Watch!

Launch event

launch event

On April 20, 2017 students from KAPPA International High School presented The Wait.

launch event

Monday, March 27, 2017 5:33PM

We’re excited to announce our latest tool in our Envisioning Development program, What Is FAR?  A companion to our What Is Zoning? Toolkit, What is FAR? is an online, interactive tool to help community members get a grip on the slippery concept of Floor Area ... more

launch event

On March 3rd, 2017 students from the International Community High School celebrated the debut of “Show Me the Money!"

launch event

Thursday, March 2, 2017 3:44PM

For college student survivors of sexual violence, reporting an incident can be a difficult and confusing process to take on alone. There are federal laws requiring universities to provide support and protection from discrimination for survivors, but these laws are hard to ... more

launch event

Friday, January 13, 2017 11AM

Getting ready to apply for affordable housing takes time, and it involves more than just filling out paperwork. Each building has different income qualifications and required materials, which can make putting together a strong application confusing. What exactly is ... more

launch event

Thursday, January 12, 2017 6PM

For friends and family members of a person who’s been arrested, the act of paying bail is a stressful and confusing process. Beyond finding the money cover the cost of bail, payers also have to decide how to pay. There are usually two options: cash bail or a ... more
  • BAM Fisher Hillman Studio
    321 Ashland Place
    Brooklyn, NY 11217

launch event

Tuesday, December 13, 2016 2PM

Our newest Technical Assistance project, Engage to Change, is now available! CUP teamed up with New York Foundation, Building Movement Project, and designers WeShouldDoItAll to create Engage to Change, a slide deck that breaks down the connection between ... more

launch event

On November 9th, CUP launched Sign Up!, a pocket-sized fold-out guide that explains the right of Deaf individuals’ access to an interpreter. A collaboration of CUP, New York Lawyers for Public Interest (NYLPI) and designer Grace Robinson-Leo, the guide illustrates key ... more

launch event

Monday, July 11, 2016 7PM

Since the Fresh Kills landfill closed on Staten Island over 15 years ago, NYC has exported all of its trash to other places to be buried or burned. Everyone from government officials to local residents has debated this complicated process, but one thing all folks agree on is ... more

launch event

Wednesday, June 29, 2016 7PM

Did you know that although the Bronx Terminal Produce Market offers one of largest selections of fresh fruits & vegetables in the world, many Bronx residents feel there aren’t enough places to get fresh produce in their neighborhoods? So where does our fresh ... more

launch event

Tuesday, June 7, 2016 7PM

Many people feel that small businesses contribute to the unique character of New York City, but what happens when more and more businesses are closing?

launch event

On May 27th, 2016 students from the International Community High School presented “ICEbreaker.”

The Water Underground

Urban Investigations

The Water Underground

Show Up

Public Access Design

Show Up

From Shelter to Apartment

Making Policy Public

From Shelter to Apartment

Don't Get Iced

Public Access Design

Don't Get Iced

Education Rights for Families

Technical Assistance

Education Rights for Families

Tenants' Rights to Repairs

Making Policy Public

Tenants' Rights to Repairs

Shelter Skelter

Urban Investigations

Shelter Skelter

Dick & Rick: A Visual Primer for Social Impact Design

Technical Assistance

Dick & Rick: A Visual Primer for Social Impact Design