Meet the Gun Laws

City Studies

Meet the Gun Laws

Figuring Out Health Insurance

Making Policy Public

Figuring Out Health Insurance

Rumbo A Su Tarjeta Verde

Public Access Design

Rumbo A Su Tarjeta Verde

Record It. Report It!

Public Access Design

Record It. Report It!

Don't Get Iced

Public Access Design

Don't Get Iced

I Got Arrested! Now What?

Making Policy Public

I Got Arrested! Now What?

launch event

Saturday, October 5, 2013 3PM

What is the role of a museum today? A place for quiet contemplation? A giant fun house? A really artsy mall? Museums are wildly diverse in their sizes, annual operating budgets, missions, and their urban context. This summer 15 public high school students from across the ... more
  • Dia:Chelsea
    535 W 22nd Street, 5th Floor
    New York
    C/E trains to 23rd Street


Tuesday, September 17, 2013 6:30PM

CUP’s Fast Tracked was on display at Brooklyn Utopias: In TRANSITion, an art exhibition about how transportation systems have shaped New York City, at the Old Stone House. The exhibition ran from September 17th, 2013 to February 16th, 2014 Fast Tracked, a newspaper CUP ... more

news, award

We’re excited and honored to announce that CUP has received a Sappi Ideas that Matter grant to help fund the printing of materials for our forethcoming Zoning Toolkit.

news, award

CUP’s Making Policy Public series is a finalist for Fast Company’s “Innovation By Design” Award.

news, award

We were excited and honored to be part of one of the ten teams selected to participate in HUD’s Rebuild By Design program. CUP was part of an interdisciplinary team lead by Interboro Partners, which created proposals to address Sandy recovery. Find out more at: ... more

open call

Tuesday, August 27, 2013 6PM

CUP is seeking a fall intern to assist with several current projects, including: + Research/general project support on CUP’s Community Education tools + Design production work for print using Adobe CS products + Production work on our education tools, including ... more

news, award

We’re very excited to announce an award from the Graham Foundation for our new Chicago edition of CUP’s Affordable Housing Toolkit.

news, exhibit

Our Making Policy Public series is on display at the Chicago Cultural Center through September 1st as part of the exhibition Spontaneous Interventions: Design Actions for the Common Good.
  • Chicago Cultural Center
    78 E. Washington St


Friday, July 26, 2013 3PM

CUP went to the UPROSE Climate Justice Youth Summit in Sunset Park. “Climate justice” and “Environmental Justice” view the health of the climate and environment as ethical issues since climate change may disproportionately ... more

open call

Monday, July 22, 2013 5PM

CUP has three open calls for City Studies teaching artist positions in the fall of 2013.

open call

Sunday, July 21, 2013 5PM

CUP is seeking an Event Coordinator to help us produce our 2013 Annual Benefit.


Saturday, July 20, 2013 10AM

On Saturday, July 20th, CUP broke out the Sewer in a Suitcase for two great outdoor events.  CUP came to Governors Island as part of the Metropolitan Water Alliance’s City of Water Day to teach about how the combined sewer system impacts the health and safety of ... more


Public Access Design


Puff Puff Passed

Urban Investigations

Puff Puff Passed

Seeking Sanctuary

Urban Investigations

Seeking Sanctuary

¡El poder de prepararse!

Public Access Design

¡El poder de prepararse!

Figuring Out Health Insurance

Making Policy Public

Figuring Out Health Insurance

Bail's Set... What's Next?

Public Access Design

Bail's Set... What's Next?

Rumbo A Su Tarjeta Verde

Public Access Design

Show Me the Money!

City Studies

Show Me the Money!