Engage to Change

Technical Assistance

Engage to Change

Get It Back!

Public Access Design

Get It Back!

Shine a Light on Your Utility Rights

Making Policy Public

Shine a Light on Your Utility Rights

Talking Trash: Throwing Out the Big Apple

Urban Investigations

Talking Trash: Throwing Out the Big Apple

The Cargo Chain

Making Policy Public

The Cargo Chain

Tenants' Rights to Repairs

Making Policy Public

Tenants' Rights to Repairs

news, talk, workshop

Thursday, April 11, 2013 2:30PM

CUP fans and friends joined us in Chicago for a workshop and panel discussion about affordable housing in Chicago. CUP partnered with Converge:Exchange, Chicago Community Loan Fund, and Archeworks to host “Community Tools for Affordable Housing” on Thursday, ... more
  • Archeworks
    625 North Kingsbury Street
    Chicago, IL 60654

launch event

Thursday, April 4, 2013 7PM

From the days of Tammany to the era of TiVo, New Yorkers always had to make do with cramped living conditions. Many see micro-apartments as a way to fix to New York’s housing crunch. However, others worry that these snug accommodations serve only a narrow group. ... more
  • Tenement Museum
    103 Orchard St, 2nd fl
    New York, NY
    F/J/M/Z to Delancey-Essex St, B/D to Grand St

launch event

Remás and CUP presented our new Making Policy Public “Es Tu Dinero, Decides Tú” to the Si Se Puede women’s housecleaning cooperative in Sunset Park, Brooklyn.

open call

Friday, March 29, 2013 6PM

CUP is seeking a summer intern to assist with several current projects, including: + Research/general project support on CUP’s Community Education tools + Design production work for print using Adobe CS products + Production work on our education tools, including ... more

launch event, screening

Monday, March 18, 2013 7:15PM

At almost any New York City bodega, you can quick-draw, scratch, or mega-million your way towards million dollar jackpots. Thousands of New Yorkers play the lottery every day. But how does the lottery really work? Who is playing, and where does all the money go? Who wins and ... more
  • Anthology Film Archives
    32 2nd Avenue (at Second Street)
    New York, NY
    F to 2nd Avenue


Saturday, March 16, 2013 3PM

CUP’s Valeria Mogilevich will be presenting “City Studies: project-based learning for a new civics education” at the Museum of the City of New York’s Teaching Social Activism Conference. CUP will share our methodology for developing project-based ... more
  • Museum of the City of New York
    1220 Fifth Avenue at 104th Street
    New York, NY


Wednesday, March 13, 2013 6:30PM

Join us for a very special AIGA/NY screening and discussion of The Water Underground with CUP’s Valeria Mogilevich and Christine Gaspar. CUP will discuss the process and challenges of making this video that looks at the water we drink, put out ... more
  • Bumble & Bumble
    415 W. 13th Street,
    3rd floor Auditorium
    New York, NY
    L/A/C/E to 8th Ave

open call

Monday, March 11, 2013 5PM

CUP is seeking designers to help lay out ballots for voting in Participatory Budgeting in New York City. The ballots have been designed by MTWTF. Designers will be inputting text into InDesign documents, kerning, and managing some aspects of output. CUP staff will ... more

open call

Thursday, February 28, 2013 8PM

CUP is looking for advocacy partners for Public Access Design, our new series of multimedia organizing tools. Public Access Design projects are short, intensive collaborations between CUP, an artist or designer, and a community organization or advocacy group that is ... more

open call

Monday, February 25, 2013 10AM

In June 2013, The Community Development Project at the Urban Justice Center, Hester Street Collaborative, and the Center for Urban Pedagogy will host a day-long conference, Partnering for Impact: Innovative Collaborations for Effective Organizing, to share tools and best ... more


Wednesday, February 20, 2013 6:30PM

Come out for an interactive workshop that explores New York City’s land use review process and looks at the re-development of the Domino Sugar Factory in South Williamsburg.
  • El Puente Community Health & Environment Center
    289 Grand Street
    Brooklyn, NY

launch event

Wednesday, February 13, 2013 7PM

The issue of “fracking” is all over the news. But what is fracking? Who wants to do it? And how could stuff in rocks upstate affect people who live in East Coast cities? Join us for the launch of the latest installment from our Making Policy Public poster series: ... more
  • The Cooper Union
    Rose Auditorium
    41 Cooper Square, Lower Level
    on Third Avenue (btwn 6th & 7th streets)

The Good, Bad, & Unknown

Urban Investigations

The Good, Bad, & Unknown

Participatory Budgeting

Technical Assistance

Participatory Budgeting

En El Campo De Los Impuestos

Making Policy Public

En El Campo De Los Impuestos

Pay Up!

City Studies

Pay Up!

Child Support?!

Making Policy Public

Child Support?!

Rent Regulation Rights

Making Policy Public

Rent Regulation Rights

H2 Oh No!

Technical Assistance

H2 Oh No!

Reclaim Your Worker Rights

Making Policy Public

Reclaim Your Worker Rights