Immigrants & NY

Making Policy Public

Immigrants & NY

Ready, Set, Apply!

Technical Assistance

Ready, Set, Apply!

Immigrants & NY

Making Policy Public

Immigrants & NY

Work Forced

Public Access Design

Work Forced

I Got Arrested! Now What?

Making Policy Public

I Got Arrested! Now What?

We're Watching

Public Access Design

We're Watching

Print 纽约市工人合作社指南

One worker, one vote! That’s the motto of worker-owned businesses all over the world. What sets worker co-ops apart from other businesses is their ownership and decision-making structure. Every worker is also an owner, and has an equal say in how the business operates. Having decision-making power over wages and working conditions is especially important for low-wage earners and people who work unstable jobs. But how do worker co-ops work? And how do you start or join one?

We Own It – Chinese Edition is based on a collaboration of CUP with Sunset Park-based Center for Family Life, designer Amanda Buck, and illustrator Melissa Crowton that produced a Spanish and English version of the poster that breaks down how worker co-ops work. The project is aimed at increasing awareness of worker co-ops across the city, and increasing access to them among low-income New Yorkers in particular.

You can get your Spanish language copy here.

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Urban Investigations

Share, Where?

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Rent, Rights, and Repairs

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