We care!

Making Policy Public

We care!

Don't Get Iced

Public Access Design

Don't Get Iced

Share, Where?

Urban Investigations

Share, Where?

Free For All?

City Studies

Free For All?

The Newtown Creek BOA

Technical Assistance

The Newtown Creek BOA

Record It. Report It!

Public Access Design

Record It. Report It!

open call

Hey NYC-based community organizations! Is a complex policy issue getting in the way of reaching your constituents? Apply to Public Access Design!


We’re excited to announce our latest Public Access Design projects! Over the next few months we’ll be collaborating with these amazing partners to create pocket-sized organizing and advocacy tools.


This year’s stellar cohort of designers and artists will work with CUP to learn about our participatory design methods. Select fellows will also get to collaborate with CUP and our advocacy partners to create a visual tool that explains a social justice isssue through ... more

meet the…

We pulled together an all-star group of jurors to help us select our next CUP Fellow for Change in Design! This year we are joined by: Carly Ayres, Wael Morcos, and Elijah Bobo (clockwise from top left).

open call

We’re now accepting applications for the 2021 CUP Fellowship for Change in Design! The Fellowship is a paid, year-long, full-time, training program designed to promote and support individuals in gaining the skills, contacts, and experience to help them excel in their ... more

meet the…

Stephanie Eche is an artist, designer, consultant, podcaster, educator, and much, much more! This spring, Stephanie and students from KAPPA International High Schoolwill collaborate on an Urban Investigation on the issue of digital equity in NYC high schools. Hear more about ... more


We may be remote, but we’re definitely resilient! Our Fall and Winter Youth Education projects are in full swing. CUP is collaborating with students across NYC to investigate social justice ranging from how school resources impact mental health to the limits of ... more


In the Fall of 2020, CUP collaborated with Teaching Artist Marianna Olinger and public high school students from the Red Hook Community Justice Center to investigate police accountability and reimagine public safety.


Since September, CUP has collaborated with Teaching Artist Marianna Olinger and students from the Red Hook Community Justice Center to investigate police accountability in New York City.


“Language rights are civil rights!” is something we hear from our community partners all the time.


Red Hook students have conducted two more interviews as part of of their investigation into public safety in their community!

news, launch event

Shine A Light On Your Utility Rights is now available in Haitian Creole!

Is Suspension The Solution?

City Studies

Is Suspension The Solution?

Making the Grade

Urban Investigations

Making the Grade

Rent Regulation Rights - San Francisco Edition

Making Policy Public

Rent Regulation Rights - San Francisco Edition

Mean Streets

City Studies

Mean Streets

Language Rights are Civil Rights!

Public Access Design

Language Rights are Civil Rights!

It's Not Just Personal

Making Policy Public

It's Not Just Personal

Figuring Out FEMA

Public Access Design

Figuring Out FEMA

Level Up

City Studies

Level Up